Care Provider acquires elderly Care Home in Cheshire
Care Provider, Julia Senah, has successfully completed on the purchase of Claremont Care Home in the Sale.
Liz Woollett of Chandler and Co has been working with Julia for many years and has supported her to establish her purchasing and funding criteria. Julia was pleased to secure the opportunity to purchase Claremont and Liz was able to quickly confirm her financial position to the selling agent resulting in an early viewing. Julia’s offer for the share capital was accepted and the deal was agreed. Finance for the purchase was negotiated and secured and the deal completed in August.
Liz said "It’s a pleasure working with Julia, I’m pleased we were able to help her find the right business after working together to consider a number of different types of care businesses to complement their existing care business. Our role goes beyond just arranging the finance, we enjoy working closely with all parties to push the deal through the entire process and continue to support our clients throughout their journey."
Claremont is registered for 28 residents in 26 bedrooms – 23 of which have en suite facilities and is run under management. Claremont pairs well with the buyers existing care business and will allow them to establish their reputation as high-quality care providers in the area.