Small Care Homes KPIs - 2020

Small Care Homes KPIs

Small care homes outperformed the rest of the care home market in 2020, according to business appraisals undertaken by Pinders in the 2020 calendar year.

This is best illustrated by average fees of £728 a week, 5.3% higher than those in homes with over 21 beds. In fact, fees in smaller homes increased by 8.2% over 2019, compared to a 1.8% increase in homes over 20 beds.

FMOP (fair maintainable operating profit) increased by 6%, due to a combination of higher fees and reduced staff costs.

It is ironic that lending policies of the mainstream banks means that they will not support new monies for homes of this size.  Fortunately, there are other lenders supporting this sector of the care market.

Read full report here - Small Care Home KPIs and Care Home (over 20 beds) KPIs - 2020